Do you remember how long ago you got your deck installed? An expert might be able to determine its age just by looking at the state of the wood and nails. On average, a wooden deck can last anywhere up to 30 to 35 years, all of which depends on the quality of materials used and how often you’ve gotten it repaired.
If you’ve noticed any of these signs, you should call a roofing contractor to begin your deck repair process.
1. Rotting Wood
With time, the wood used in your yard might start to rot as it grows damp, creating the prime environment for fungi to grow. These fungi will then continue eating the wood – such as timber – leaving your deck unstable and unsafe for you and your family.
If you’ve spotted fungal growth on your wooden deck, you shouldn’t waste time calling in a deck repair company, as it can spread to nearby wooden planks, costing you more money.
2. Loose Floorboards
Another common problem with wooden decks is that due to climate changes, the wood will expand and contract depending on the weather, leaving the floorboards loose. Depending on how bad the damage is, a roofing contractor might be able to fit the floorboards back in with a bit of work. But you’ll only know once you hire a deck repair expert.
3. Termite Infestation
Sometimes wood can get a termite infestation that can destroy your deck’s structure. This spreads fast and causes your wooden floorboards to feel springy and hollow as you walk over them, sometimes even making a squeaky sound. To prevent termites from spreading everywhere, you should call deck repair experts.
Our roofing contractors can also take care of your decks if they’ve been infested. They’ll first spray the wood with a chemical pesticide to kill all the termites, which will stop them from eating away at more wood. Then, they’ll remove all the hollowed-out pieces and install new ones. We’ll also spray your deck with protective chemicals to prevent termites, carpenter ants, and other pests from eating away at the wood.
Hire FH Roofing & Chimney’s deck repair experts and save money on future repairs! You can also opt for gutter cleanings and skylight installations on your property. To get your free estimate, just leave us your details, and we’ll get back to you soon.